Armitage Shanks interface

Just before Christmas, I made some recordings around the Institute of Geography at the University of Edinburgh. I was joined by Jonathan Prior, a PhD student there who shares my interest in audio methods.

The first thing I’ve edited from that session involves layered recordings of the mens’ toilets. Jonathan and I both agreed it would be a bad idea to loiter in the ladies with a big furry thing, so call us gender essentialists but we stuck to our home turf. Maybe at the workshop in May someone of the fairer sex can do the womens and we’ll compare.

Special thanks to Jonathan for getting a nice pic of my bald spot.

Drummond Gents.mp3


Experimenting with Geography workshop update

A brief update…

The deadline for applications for this event passed recently. I have received 42 applications – we have a maximum of 28 places, so if you’ve applied your chances of being offered a place are quite good, although not all the places are funded for accommodation and travel.

I’ve emailed everyone to confirm receipt of applications, so if you sent in a form and haven’t heard back from me, that probably means something has gone wrong and you should get in touch asap.

The outcomes will be announced by March 1st..

Experimenting with Geography

‘Experimenting with Geography: See-Hear-Make-Do’ is an event dedicated to developing a diverse range of craft skills associated with audio, visual and site-specific methodologies, at different city locations, both inside and out-of-doors. It will take place at the University of Edinburgh, 3rd-7th May 2010.

Applications are invited from early career researchers and PhD students to participate in this ESRC-funded International Training School.

I’m really excited about this event. We have a great line up of guests including sound artists (Jacob Kirkegaard, Matt Rogalsky), visual/site specific artists (Louise K Wilson, Sans Facon) geographers (Nigel Thrift, Trevor Paglen, Hayden Lorimer, Eric Laurier) and a visual anthropologist (Sarah Pink). It’s going to be a whole week of fun stuff. We even have some fully funded places (travel, accommodation and food costs all covered).

Check out the project page for more information and how to apply to take part:
